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Atlas Spine Clinic Privacy Policy

Effective Date: September 17th, 2024

Our Commitment to Privacy

At Atlas Spine Clinic, the privacy of personal information is a key principle. We are committed to collecting, using, and disclosing personal information responsibly and only to the extent necessary to provide our healthcare services. We also believe in being open and transparent about how we handle personal information.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information refers to any information about an identifiable individual. This includes personal characteristics (e.g., gender, age, home address, phone number), health information (e.g., health history, treatment details), and opinions or evaluations of an individual. Business contact information, such as a person’s business address or phone number, is not considered personal information under privacy legislation.

Who We Are

Atlas Spine Clinic is a multidisciplinary rehabilitation clinic offering chiropractic care, physiotherapy, electro-acupuncture, and massage therapy services to individuals in the community at our clinic location.

Collection of Personal Information: Primary Purposes

For Clients

As healthcare providers, we collect, use, and disclose personal information primarily to deliver rehabilitation treatments to our clients. We may collect information about a client’s health history, physical condition, family history, and social situation to help us assess health needs and provide suitable healthcare. We also collect information to track a client’s progress over time.

We only collect this information with the client’s explicit consent, except in rare cases, such as during an emergency when the client is unable to provide consent (e.g., unconsciousness) or when we believe the client would consent if asked and it is impractical to obtain consent directly (e.g., a family member relays a message on behalf of the client).

For Members of the General Public

For individuals who are not clients, we may collect personal information to inform them about special events (e.g., seminars or new services) or to raise awareness of our clinic’s offerings. Where possible, we collect and use business contact information, but we may also collect personal information like home addresses and emails. We obtain consent where feasible, and anyone can request removal from our contact list at any time.

Collection of Personal Information: Related and Secondary Purposes

Like most organizations, we also collect, use, and disclose personal information for purposes related to or secondary to our primary purposes. Examples include:

  • Invoicing: To bill for services and manage accounts.
  • Client Follow-Up: To notify clients about ongoing care, product maintenance, or service updates.
  • Quality Assurance: To review and ensure that we provide high-quality care.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We may need to disclose client information to regulatory bodies (e.g., the College of Chiropractors of Ontario or the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario) during audits or investigations.
  • Legal Requirements: We may be required to disclose personal information to government agencies or external regulators if necessary by law.
  • Retention for Client Care: We retain personal information for a minimum of ten years to provide continuous care, answer client inquiries, and comply with regulatory requirements.

You may opt out of certain secondary purposes, such as receiving notices about special events, but other purposes (e.g., regulatory compliance) are mandatory.

Protecting Personal Information

We take the security of personal information seriously. Our clinic implements the following safeguards:

  • Paper Records: Files are stored in secure, locked areas or supervised by authorized personnel.
  • Electronic Records: Digital information is protected with passwords and stored on secure systems. Physical hardware is kept in locked areas when not in use.
  • Transmission of Information: When transmitting paper information, we use sealed envelopes or secure courier services.

Retention and Destruction of Personal Information

We retain personal information for the duration necessary to provide our services and to meet regulatory obligations. Typically, we keep client records for a minimum of ten years after the last contact.

When personal information is no longer needed, we destroy it securely by shredding paper documents and deleting electronic records. If electronic devices are discarded, we ensure the hard drive is physically destroyed.

Access to Your Information

You have the right to access your personal information, with a few exceptions. Upon request, we will provide access to your records and explain any information you do not understand. We may charge a nominal fee for this service and may ask you to submit your request in writing.

If we are unable to provide access, we will notify you within 30 days and explain the reason as best as possible. If you believe there is an error in your records, you can request a correction. If we agree, we will make the correction and inform anyone who received the incorrect information. If we do not agree, we will include a brief statement of your request in the file.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about how we handle personal information, please contact us at:

Atlas Spine Clinic
Address: Inside Pharmasave, 21 Glendinning Ave, Scarborough, ON M1W 3E2
Phone: (647) 794-6868
Email: [email protected]